The first official Marvel Cinematic Universe television series, WandaVision that marked the inception of Phase Four of the cinematic universe concluded on March 5. The show became popular among fans during the initial episodes. Since it is now over, fans are wondering will there ever be a Season 2 of the season.
WandaVision follows the story of Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) as she goes through the trauma. It was caused by the death of her husband, Vision (Paul Bettany) at the hands of Thanos. It continues a few weeks after the events of Avenger’s The Endgame. Wanda creates fake realities where the couple lives happily in different decades of the television era.
News Regarding WandaVision Season 2
For now, the creators have not indicated a second season. The last episode was entitled ‘ The Season Finale ’ which can be interpreted as there are no plans for a further season of WandaVision. Initially, the series was planned as a limited series that will connect Wanda’s story between Endgame and Doctor Strange 2.
Wanda is confirmed to be appearing in the movie and is expected to play a major role alongside Doctor Strange. So, the sequel to Wanda’s story will be in the Doctor Strange movie. We can hope that she will come back to continue her WandaVision serial
Plot of Season 2 of WandaVision
It is not easy to say what plot will be set up in the second season considering the first season was full of twists, turns and fake realities. If it will be a sequel to the Doctor Strange movie, then we can expect a fully powered Scarlet Witch that will be continuing her adventures.
Fans have also predicted that the second season may not follow Scarlet Witch’s storyline. Instead, the couple’s twins Tommy and Billy will lead the season and give rise to the Young Avengers universe.
Cast of Season 2
The casting depends on the storyline that will be implemented for the season. Ideally, Elizabeth Olsen will be returning along with Paul Bettany (somehow). The side characters became fan favourites as the series continued so we can expect Teyonah Parris (Monica Rameau), Kathryn Hahn (Agnes), Kat Dennings (Dr Darcy Lewis) and Randall Park (Jimmy Woo) to return for the sequel season.
The good news is Parris will be reviving her role as Monica Rameau in Captain Marvel 2. So, we can expect more screen time for her and emerging superpowers as well.
WandaVision – What’s Next?
Since the show has wrapped up and Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness is expected to release in March 2022, we won’t be seeing more of the superpower duo for the rest of the year. Season 2 is also not planned or is scheduled to be planned.
Till then the fans can enjoy other Marvel shows that will be streaming on Disney+ like The Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki, What If..? and much more.