Peaky Blinders is a period crime series set in the early twentieth century based on the Shelbys, a gangster family located in Birmingham, England. The show revolves around a gang who call themselves, the Peaky Blinders, the city’s most feared criminal organization.
Thomas Shelby, the leader of the gang, is a ruthless man, who knows no limits when it comes to business so when the police get on his tail to end crime in the city he determined to keep the family business safe.
The show is set after the First World War in which Thomas fought which left him suffering from PTSD.
The show is rated 8.8/10 by IMDb, 93% by Rotten Tomatoes and 4/5 by Common Sense Media indicated that it is well received by the audience and has never failed to impress the fans in the five seasons that have been released
Peaky Blinders season 6 was expected to release by the end of the year 2020 as originally the filming was supposed to begin in March 2020 however, the pandemic hit the world and the filming was forced to shut down temporarily and begin once the virus was under control.
All the news on Peaky Blinders season 6 you want to know
Paul Anderson, who played Arthur Shelby on the show, took to his Instagram to post a photo which was captioned “Season 6 #comingfknsoon which led the fans assume that the season was coming if not this year then definitely the next.
Steven Knight, the writer and the executive producer of the show said to the Birmingham Press Club (via BBC News), “We are definitely doing (series) six and we will probably do seven.”
This suggests that the team is very willing to bring the fans not just one but two new seasons of Peaky Blinders.
Anderson said that the team was planning to do a wrap up with season five but changed their mind when they realized that the audience was looking forward to more of the show.
Director Anthony Byrne said that the shoot for season 6 was ready to begin as they had done all the set-up, got all the costumes made and the locations were booked however they had to change their plans due to the virus, Covid-19.
The director also said that if the virus is controlled and the world settles into this new normal, they are planning to begin shooting at the earliest in 2021 however he also said that it all depends on the virus is under control and do not spread like it did in the first wave.
However considering the situation in the world, we believe another wave of the virus is coming and if it does come, there is bad news for the fans of Peaky Blinders who have now become impatient for the new season that they have been waiting for since September 2019 when the last episode of the show was released.
In an Instagram post, Byrne uploaded a picture of the script of the first episode of season 6 which will be called “Black Day” and there is also a discussion going on regarding longer first and last episodes of the show however it is not yet a sure thing but we will soon find out!
Who will be part of the cast in season 6?
Knight and other members of the cast have dropped interesting information regarding the 6th season of the show, who will be part of the cast, what will happen in the six episodes that will be released, and the future of the show. By now it is safe to say that another season is, indeed, coming however a confirmed date cannot be given until the episodes are shot and ready to get on screen!
The 5th season ended with Tommy Shelby apparently losing his mind and putting a gun to his head to kill himself when his assassination attempts on Oswald Mosley (Sam Claflin) fail.
This confirms Mosley’s appearance in the 6th season along with a new female character whose character has not been disclosed yet however director Byrne has stated to NME that this new character will be up against Tommy Shelby and that “she certainly gives Tommy a run for his money” were his exact words.
This new female character is something many are looking forward to as she will challenge Thomas in a very different way and we would all love to see the leader of the gang up against new opposition.
It is also expected that Grace Shelby (played by Annabelle Wallis) the first wife of Tommy Shelby will appear in the 6th season too as Tommy keeps hallucinating about her throughout the 5th season, therefore, there is reason to believe she will make an appearance.
What to expect now?
Despite the fact that everything is ready and the team of Peaky Blinders is just waiting for a green signal to start filming fans must not have expectations of a new season anytime soon and definitely not in this year.
The director has clearly stated that even if the filming begins in January 2021, it will take until May or June for it to end and after that about 6 months to edit which mean that the new season will most probably come out at the end of next year or maybe even in the beginning of 2022.
It is important to remember that a new season is coming later if not sooner and the team has plans for season 7 too.
We know the wait has gotten everyone impatient however when the new season does come to screen, we do not expect anything less than the best and every episode has us gripped to our seats. As mentioned above, the team of the show is planning an extended first and last episode which can be considered as a reward for the fans for waiting for so long.